TOP 5: Things to be Thankful for in Anime
Hey, Hey AAA! How is everyone doing today? This is your boy Z-ComiX here once again to take one anime aspect and covert each component of said anime theme and categorize in a fashion that reflects upon it’s greatness on an overall category in a descending numerical manner. In other words; let’s number stuff about anime I like!
With Thanksgiving coming up, there are a lot of things on your mind.Turkey, some pie, turkey, some stuffing, turkey… turkey. But let us not forget to be thankful people! So today on TOP 5, we will be discussing the Top 5 Things to be Thankful for in Anime! So every, please keep head inside the ride at all times to keep in from getting blow off in the process, because TOP5 is starting………… NOW!GO!
We all have our opinions about these guys, but lets face it; a lot of the people who watch anime watch it subbed off some site. Also, the really bad dubs that the older generation remembers may be horrible to watch and listen to, but we can all agree that they were some of the anime that helped get people introduced and subsequently addicted to the anime universe. So here’s to you Subbers and bad Dubbers; you may suck and sometimes be illegal, but we acknowledge your help in introducing and effecting the popularity of anime.
In Contrast to Number 5, I thank you US anime distributors. You guys put out LEGAL quality content that helps support the official companies and is enjoyable to watch. Companies like Funamation, Cruncyroll and Netflix are among the few who help in the cause to spread anime legally and for that I extend the Wishbone of awesomeness to you guys.
If it wasn’t for this countries ability to produce the medium we enjoy, where would we be people? An alternate dimension where anime doesn’t exist and we are all stuck in a world where we all end up fighting an army of drunken-winged-monkeys and Justin Bieber as our overlord! I don’t know about the rest of you, but I am not willing to end up in that world, so pray forJapanat the dinner table.
Oh Godfather of Anime, of course I have you on this list! Thanks to you and your awesomess you were able to make such great works such as Astro Boy and Black Jack. And let us not forget to mention how Astro Boy was the first anime to come over toAmericaand basically launched the anime industry in the West! To you Tezuka, I will give you my pan of stuffing and the boat of gravy at my dinner table.
Yes, I would like to thank you AAA crew for making such a great website and community. Always trying to put out better content, you guys have made listening and writing here fun! But this Thanks is not just to our Hosts and Hostesses, this is a thank you to the community as well! Thanks to everyone on the forum, every listener and reader, you all make it fun and enjoyable to come to . you guys are always inviting to new members and I hope to keep coming back here for more fun. To you all I invite you all to my dinner table to enjoy a feast of awesome food and warm company! And yes, there will be Turkey and Stuffing by the pot-full.
SO, in summary, all hail the Church of Mistugi and all the anime under the rising sun. I hope everyone has an enjoyable Thanksgiving and remember to keep everyone in your prayers… and buy some swag at the AAA Store and visit the forum to drop off what you are thankful for this year! And remember, if you got time, 5 star this, thumbs it up, comment, do whatever to help support TOP5! Drop off any suggestions for a TOP 5 below!