Shukufuku no Campanella

Alternate Titles: Blessing of the Campanella, Blessing of Little Bells

Original Japanese Release Date: 2010

Episode Length/Run-time: 12


Leicester Maycraft is a magical item creator of the guild “Oasis” in the city of Ert’Aria.  Well known and loved by all he and the ladies of the guild are generally well taken care of and live a good life.  One night while watching a star shower on the roof of a nearby church he finds a girl asleep in a room.  When she awakens she declares herself Minette and Leicester her father.


“Well this sucked.”  That was about all I could think when I finished this anime.  Based off of a dating sim, which doesn’t always mean total crap but in this case it does.  The best thing about this series is the character designs which I’m not even sure if I can give it credit for since that was all done for them from the game.  They are executed well and the animation does look clean and polished, but what doesn’t these days?

There is nothing to this series, it kind of tries to put forward a loose plot with master puppet makers and the well being of the world.  And the last episode was honestly the best one.  But you have to thumb through so many mediocre, average, cliche episodes to  get there.  It likely could’ve been trimmed down to a 4 episode OVA and still ended up having time for random fluff.

There’s not much else to say about this series.  It’s literally your generic harem which does random fantasy-esque things while having entire episodes devoted to carnivals and being cute maids.  What more can be said?
