Hanamaru Kindergarten

Alternate Titles: Hanamaru Yōchien

Original Japanese Release Date: 2010

Episode Length/Run-time: 12 Episodes


Anzu, Koume, and Hiiragi are three kindergardeners with different personalities, however they all share one want: to attract attention from their teacher Tsuchida.  It’s Tsuchida’s first year teaching and aside from keeping his head above water he’s only interested in the lovely Yamamoto who is the teacher in the classroom next door.


(Reviewed by Gia from the Anime Vice Podcast)

Studio Gainaz produced this anime and the director is equally wide ranged having worked on the original FMA and Gundam 00.

The main character Tsuchida is lovable and entertaining, having chosen to become a kindergarten teacher to pick up the chicks.  There’s a good deal for example, because Anzu the main character of the students decides she will marry Tsuchida.  But it’s important to note that this is cute, and not pedo.  This anime is innocent and lovable, not designed for peverseness or fanart.

Each episode has a different end sequence which is cool and interesting and it just shows the level of detail what is put into this series.  Its a great sweet slice-of-life series and does have a lot of entertainment factor.
