Alternate Titles: Genesis of Aquarion, 創聖のアクエリオン (Japanese)
Original Japanese Release Date: 2005-04-04
Episode Length/Run-time: 26 Episodes
Humanity suddenly finds itself battling a dangerous foe called the “Snow Angels”—mystical beings that, for the last twelve thousand years, have lied dormant—who are kidnapping earth’s populace to drain their “prana” or vital energy. Those with certain abilities have banded together to fight using “vector machines,” robotic weapons that can merge as one to create the ultimate machine, “Aquarion.” The story mainly follows a teenager named Apollo who shows unbridled and untapped power, leading many to believe he is the reincarnation of Apolonius, a fallen angel who, during the last war, fought against his own kind to protect humanity.
A lot about this anime was handled very well. It maintained a decent balance between humor and seriousness while still holding true to a plot that could have been either completely overplayed or disappointingly under developed. The characters were likable and relatable, their back stories—of those who received them— seemed thought out and generally well placed within the time frame. A certain amount of filler was present, but not enough to take away from the plot, even the filler holding a semblance of progress in and of itself. All and all, it moved fluidly and with enough action and presence that moments of boredom were a rarity.
The animation style was gorgeous to behold. Which makes sense considering that it came from many of the same brilliant animators that did Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. Outside of the slightly CGI altered “vector machine” fight scenes, the animation itself was detailed and crisp, giving life to the well thought out character designs. And the music is equally as breathtaking, composed by the untouchable Yoko Kanno, her ability to mold to any style adding a touch of uniqueness and depth to each moment.
While it felt as though there could have been more details elaborated upon here and there, Aquarion did a good job of making sure all the big questions were hit upon and the main plot accomplished. It did well for itself to end where it did, the anime settling into the finale rather than running head first or tripping accidentally into it. From beginning to end, flaws and all, it was a joy to watch and deserves a 4.5/5.
April 28, 2011 @ 9:18 am
I thought this was a good anime. I think the rating given to it suits it, there was some comedy but it did not interfere with plot. The most notable comedy scene I can remember is when Pierre is suffering from his addiction to the mobile suit and he is suddenly woken up while sleeping in class. The little bit of philosophy that came from Gen Fudou was interesting as well. The ending was good, and it made me happy, since the individuals who had been enemies throughout most of the anime, were able to work together to overcome a problem. A good anime, has quite a bit of mecha in it.