Episode #75
[mp3player width=177 height=20 config=fmp_jw_widget_config.xml file=https://www.aaapodcast.com/aaapodcast_episode75.mp3]
Topic 1 – The A.A.A. Relief Effort – During this episode alone we raised over 60.00 for the relief effort.
- We shared our knowledge of the situation in Japan, specifically from our friends and family over there. Discussing topics such as the nuclear reactors, electricity, the rolling blackouts, food, and more.
- We are still collecting donations to be given to your charity of choice.
Topic 2 – Anime Worlds we would want to live in and why, requested by Kamakazecow on the forums.
- WOULD: Princess Tutu
- WOULD: Magical Lyrical Nanoha
- WOULD NOT : Hand Maid May
- WOULD: My Neighbor Totoro
- WOULD: Chobits
- WOULD NOT: Vandread
- WOULD: Cowboy Bebop
- WOULD: Soul Eater
- WOULD NOT: Pretear
- WOULD: Full Metal Panic
- WOULD: Iria
- WOULD: Pokemon
- WOULD NOT: Beelzebub
Gundam Wing by Chiaki
Now and Then Here and There by Mitsugi
April 3, 2011 @ 7:02 pm
I think that Vandread was a lot of fun; nowhere near a bad anime. The CGI is definitely dated now, and it was a bit dated back when it came out. Integrating 3d computer models with 2d art still doesn’t totally work, but someone’s got to test out those waters!
Gundam Wing
If you think duo was the sane one, you’re letting that ponytail hypnotize you. After all, this is the self-proclaimed God of Death we’re talking about.
I think Quatre should sue Charlie Sheen because he was winning long before that spoiled rich guy. He’s a born Winner. 😉