Rant Time: Shonen Hate
Shonen anime and manga is the biggest form of the medium, period. The anime series Bleach for example makes up half the revenue and watches for Cartoon Network’s “Adult Swim” Saturday nights. This almost constantly stream of money comes from one thing, teenage boys. Now, I am a teenage boy myself ( I am 16) and yes I do not mind watching a kick-ass fight scene, but when is enough enough? Everywhere I look there is a picture of some muscle-bound Neanderthal carrying a huge ax, or some scrawny teenager with a massive sword, or the worst of them all, a big-breasted teenage girl wearing little to no clothing. When is the anime industry going to grow up and realize the anime fans of say 10 years ago is now closing in on their 20’s or 30’s? The 15 year old who watched every episode of Yu-Yu-Hakusho is roughly 25 now. To all the anime companies, please let deep thought provoking anime get made, or we as fans will stop watching.
Well this rant hopefully did not offend anyone. On a side-note I plan on doing this “rant time” blogs a lot more often, if you have a hate of something anime or manga related let me know in either the comments or as a PM on the forums.
Gabriel Lopez
June 13, 2011 @ 4:24 am
people move on and new audiences pick them up.
There’s always series for different age groups. If you think those shonen stuff is too immature, feel free to move on to the seinen shows. 😀
June 13, 2011 @ 4:57 am
Had a feeling this would come up, I am not attacking the age group nor am I attacking anything, I am just stating the constant cliches and tropes that plague Shonen, I do watch shonen and sienen anime (and a bit of shojo but shhhh!!!). Thanks for the response though!