Survivor Series: Troll Assassination; A Troll Typology
So its me again, coming from the 5th layer of hell, the devil that survived the fieriest of games out there. Today I’m back with the first in a sub series about the thing everyone hates(except themselves) , that being trolls. Now I have heard lots of people talk about their experiences with trolls and there seems to me that there are many types and I’m going to set out to describe each type. In research methods terminology this is known as creating a typology; which is when a researcher studying a phenomenon divides the cases in their research to better present the data which has been collected.
1. The hit and run troll– these are trolls that leave one comment on a forum, message board, or a social network site and then don’t ever return to continue the conversation. An example if this was in episode 63 of the Gundamn podcast during one of their mailbag catch up shows when a troll posted a badly worded and very grammatically incorrect question and never post a another thing on that forum.
2.The fake debate troll– these are trolls who at first appear to want to have a real debate with you and then make no concrete arguments about the subject being disgusted and just throw insults at you. Too examples to cite a certain one, but check site with a comment section and you should find one.
3.The one word troll– these are trolls just leave one word on a comment section of a site. Usually its a hateful and homophobic comment, these are perhaps the saddest all of the troll types. Again check any site with comment section to find an example.
4.The hate on something and then buy it troll– These trolls are the curiousest type because they will be a huge fan boys of a certain franchise, and when a new product comes out from said franchise that is a little different they trashed it ,and say that they will never buy it, and they turn around and purchased it at the first opportunity.
5.The inner franchise troll– In many franchises in anime or video game fandom, there are different fractions that like one part of a franchise and decide anyone who likes another part is a moron and sets out to hate on the other fans of the franchise. A prime example of this is the Gundam franchise,and the universal century fans vs. the alternate century fans.
6. The video troll- This species of troll usually is found on video sharing sites like youtube. You find will find them making videos of rambling, incoherent, nonsensical rants about whatever ridiculous topic pops into their troll heads. Examples of this type is xbox or playstation fanboys making 3 to 4 videos in their parents basements about which system is better because it has all the best games and the other is for “insert homophobic slur” and losers.
7.The private message or email troll- The most cowardly of the troll types. Instead of commenting out in the open on a forum or message board, they troll someone in email or a private message. Any website administrator could probably tell you about an email or 100 they reached from a troll.
8.The out context or straw man troll- You will find this type on 4chan using the green text to twist a commentator’s words so far around it bears no resemblance to the original meaning of the comment. On the internet is frequent known “straw manning” someone in reference to the straw man argument which is when someone misrepresents
the position of another person.
The Straight Dope on Trolls– Here is a good video about trolls and is a good definition of what one really is.
Cheers and Beers,
August 28, 2011 @ 11:38 pm
Right, because researching and writing a blog entry doesn’t count as doing something lol? I’m doing what the owners of this site asked me to do, which is write blogs. So next time think before you open your mouth, otherwise you just look stupid.
September 1, 2011 @ 3:39 pm
I agree with Devil about his reasons but lets all play nice. I certainly have a full plate between kids in high school and college – a full time job that I travel three states to accomplish – over 100 emails a day work related – and then I have to fit in time to watch anime and fight with swords in video games. I never wanted to blog, it never crossed my mind. I think the world of the AAA Podcast and it was because of how much I enjoy what everyone does here that I was willing to devote time to try and make it better.
I ask that everyone certainly rate blogs and leave comments. We cannot accomplish what the AAA Hosts want if we have no idea if people are enjoying our work.
Again – good job Devil.