Addict your School!

Hello all you anime addicts! Guess what today was for me, my first day of school. Oh my wonderful summer of being able to watch anime whenever I want has now drawn to a close as it will be or already ha for many of you. So this brings me to my topic for this post, how is anime represented in schools? I myself can only speak for my own school but here is how I see. Currently we have three clubs that have to do with Japan and anime, and I happen to run two of them. These two are the Japanese Club and the ASG (abstract Strategy Games Club). So we always open by saying that the Japanese Club is not an anime, however that does not mean that we don’t include anime in it. We have a weekly anime recommendation (which failed last year. They said that Lucky Star was a Shoujo [for girls, if you are on this site and don’t know that feel ashamed] and as we all know Lucky Star is death by moe) and also talk about popular movies in Japan, famous characters, and cosplay. It satisfies my inner (and outer) otaku a bit but not much sadly. The other club that I run is the ASG club. For those of you who don’t know what an ASG (Abstract Strategy Game) is, here is Wiki to help you out. An abstract strategy game is a strategy game, aiming to minimize luck, and without a theme. So these include Chess, Checkers… shogi and go… So there we get a bit of the Japanese tie in with cultural manga (Hikaru no Go) and also the history of Japan. So again only a taste, just a bit to whet the appetite of a ferocious Japan loving, sausage protector, head of the Kimiko and Chiaki Cleavage Club person like myself (no applications necessary to join the KCCC, just go on stream and enjoy.). So the final club (which I bowed out of, sue me) that will tantalize otaku taste buds is the JKC Pop Club or the Japanese, Korean, Chinese Pop club which doesn’t interest me as I can’t do those pop moves. Let me shuffle, Jumpstyle, Waltz, or Swing any day over that. SO as we can see there is not much of an open otaku following at my school. Sure I overhear the occasional fanfiction that scars me for life but that’s about it, I mean after all we are more of an online or convention seeking group that as this lovely podcast/website states, anonymous. But stop being such cowards! You there, and you and you and you. Start something anime related at your school! Our library has a little anime shelf that needs to GROW and you should really help it. If not then who will? Help addict more people and let us take over the world MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!But seriously, get involved in your school. Tell your school newspaper about your local con, start an anime club, gather people for after school anime viewing (no hentai you pervs). If you want anime to continue to come to the U.S. legally and even for it to continue in Japan help show your love and support as the new school year starts. And remember. Don’t be watching anime too late into the night or during class. It’s a bit awkward to explain that you were watching loli magical girls strip naked and transform as the reason you weren’t paying attention in class. Happy Back to School!
~Feather Thief