Review: The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya
Episode Reviewed In: Episode 94
Alternate Titles: The Vanishment of Haruhi Suzumiya
Original Japanese Release Date: Feb 2010
Episode Length/Run-time: 163 Minutes
Kyon wakes up one morning to find himself thrust in some alternate dimension where Haruhi and the S.O.S brigade does not seem to exist. No one seems to have any recollection of either and he struggles to figure out what is going on and what happened to the world he knows.
This movie is 110% for Haruhi fans out there. Otherwise I don’t know who would sit through the near 3 hours that is this movie. It is literally the longest anime movie ever made and I have no idea why because it does not merit it. Don’t get me wrong, the movie isn’t terrible. It has its amusing moments and the animation is glorious. It also has great monologues that you would expect from Haruhi. But the movie just gets boring. Without haruhi being, well, Haruhi there are little antics or crazy moments that made the show wonderful. The ending is also mediocre, you knew nothing would really happen, as is the way of such movies, but this ending is borderline bad. They use a complete cop-out ending and even say “we’ll resolve it later.” They tried being too technical with alternate dimensions and got burned by the spiral of multiples and so on. Overall, its not bad but I stick by the fact that if you’re not a big fan of the series be ready to be bored to tears by the end.
September 16, 2011 @ 6:01 am
A… Threeeeeeeeeeeeeee!? *dies*
Btw, you guys realize the movie was based off of the novel, and is actually VERY VERY important to the story XD