I’ve finally watched Clannad
Sorry it’s been a while folks. Trouble logging into this. Anyway what have I been up to? Nothing much really. However I have finished Clannad. The first series mind you, not After Story. Just a quick note, I wrote all this in the first person as I was watching them. I wrote them in Celtx. So if it gets too weird You know why. Also I was watching it dubbed.
Okay so, finally going to start watching what some people consider one of the greatest anime of all time. A series that has great character
development(not surprising seeing as how it originated from a visual novel) and has put many otaku in tears. Let’s get this show on the road.
Episode 1:
Hmm starts off bleak doesn’t it? Awful colouring. “Anpan”? What? Oh there’s the colour! And they’re walking. OP time!…Dear God that was bad. So generic. Greg Ayres! Whoo! Dude, don’t mess with the Rugby club. They’re the type f dudes who can knock out pro boxers with one hit. Oh well they’re slac
kers so I guess they shouldn’t be too worried…Getting boring people…Not impressing at all…Blah blah blah shut up about how much you love this school! I don’t care! I hate school! Wait did that chick with grey-ish hair just pwn a bunch of dudes in a moped gang? I like this character already. Seems Greg Ayres’ character wants to do the nasty with our little ass-kicker here. And he gets kicked. Nice. Aww poor what’s her face from the start. The Drama club is on hiatus or whatever. Kinda feel bad for her…Nothing’s happening…Okay going to that girl’s, who’s name is Nagisa apparently, house. That mom looks way to young. And she’s crying. And the dad is really cool. Seems like a cool family. Dude Tomoya lives in a dump! Dad’s a drunk eh? Pity. And he’s running away. “A place where your dreams will come true?” Huh…okay.
Okay I go on for a bit during some of these episodes. Mainly picking the plot holes in Fuko’s stupid arc -_- so I’ll just put in what I wrote for the last episode. Be warned the last half of this episode of Clannad I didn’t write ANYTHING except for one sentence because I was so into it. Also there wasn’t much to commentate on in my opinion. I really started writing this so I could put it into one big blog post but there’s just too much. Maybe I’ll post it all someday, who knows? Also I know there’s an extra episode and an OVA after this but I’m going by official episodes. Actually. I think I may have something written for the Tomoyo chapter…Ugh way too long. Never mind folks.
Episode 22: So Nagisa finally found out. That sucks. I suppose they couldn’t have kept it a secret for long. She was bound to find out sometime. Well..this is depressing. They try to cheer her up and it fails. Wait she’s actually going to go on stage after she pretty much committed suicide in her head? She’s emotionally unstable! Stop her people! Are you all dense? Jesus Tap-dancing Christ!…(I had a lot of ellipsis in this text file because I was so into the episode. I found this happening around episode 13 I think? Right around the time I found a place with higher quality dub episodes. This following sentence was just after the show had ended.) Now that was sweet 🙂
Sorry everyone if this was a short post. I’m just trying to get back into the rhythm into blogging because it’s been a while. Anyway if you are interested in reading any more of my thoughts on individual Clannad episodes or just want to check out more of my stuff well…Tough luck. I only blog here and I don’t like advertising my tumblr or my podcast so sorry folks. Assuming you actually like my stuff that is. Anyway my question for people reading. Did you like Clannad? Just Clannad I’m talking about now, not After Story. If you did what was your favourite episode and why? If you didn’t like Clannad, then tell me why you didn’t like it. No flaming though please 🙂
October 19, 2011 @ 10:57 am
imo Clannad is just an appetiser of the main course