TOP 5: Japan-Awesome Halloween

Hey, what’s up you Anime addicts, Z-ComiX here to kick off a new post that’ll blow mind! Before I begin, I would just like to say that you should probably put some newspaper down so that you don’t get blood on your floor. And now, after all this exposition, for the First ever…

DAY on TOP 5 we discuss the top five things you NEED to have a Japan-awesome Halloween. With the end of October approaching, it time for you to prep your stash, get your goods and buy lots of toilet paper… you didn’t hear the last one from me though.



Think it’s childish to carve a pumpkin? I don’t. I’ve been caring pumpkins before pumpkin caring was a thing. To why not show your support for you’re favorite anime/manga series by making a pumpkin of it? Here are just a few of the one I found on the internet, I dare you to do better: make an AAAPodcast Pumpkin.



Ahhh, cosplay. Or as some pronounce it “AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!! COSPLAY!!!”  You think it’s a waste to only wear your costume at cons? Me too. So why not wear it on Halloween as a costume! Go to a Halloween costume contest or a party with friends! You probably look better than most of the costumes there. If anyone asks though, you’re someone popular… like Lady Gaga. Everyone is Lady Gaga on Halloween.



Aw man, if you have never had the Japanese sweets that I have, you gotta get on the interwebs right now and ship in some imported goods… or find you closest Japanese friend who you know has it. There are different types of sweets out there besides Pocky people… and I don’t think Pocky actually counts as a candy.



You know that you need a little horror on Halloween, so stop trying to watch the new-age movies that are basically people getting ripped into little pieces and watch something psychological like “The Ring,” or as the Japanese call it “RINGU.” Or, if you don’t like horror for some reason, pick up a cheesy vampire Kung-fu movie like “Spooky Encounters” or any of the “Mr Vampire” movies and laugh at some 80’s awesomeness (yes, they are Chinese movies, but they are still good).



Hyakumonogatari Kaidankai, or “A Gathering of One Hundred Supernatural Tales” is an old Japanese scary story event that kind of like letting stories over the campfire… except scary. The basic premise is that you and a group of friends go into a dark room at night light 100 candles and tell ghost stories. Now here is the twist. Every time someone tells a story you put out a candle and each time the stories get scarier and scarier until you tell the last story in the dark. Sounds like fun doesn’t it? No one knows where and when the ritual started, but some say by the last story, when the final candle goes out, a spirit is summoned amongst you in the dark…

Well, that’s all the time I have for this week! Please, if you enjoy the show rate a review at the bottom, share it, or just leave a comment! IF you have a suggestion for the next TOP 5 top me a line here, on the forums, or at