Fiction Friday: Anime Studio Tells Dirty Little Secret

Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction for the use of parody only. Any data or events cited are most likely pure fabrication. Please read for enjoyment and the satirical viewpoint, not for facts.

After watching many new animes I have seen a trend, especially in the genre of Romance based animes. The use of sexual under- (and sometimes over-) tones that are seen in anime have been increasing at an alarming rate. In order to get to the bottom of this phenomenon, we here at the Z-ComiX’s Extreme Research Expectations Center of Technologies have decided to stick our beaks into the matter by talking to one of our correspondents in the industry.

Our informant, who works in the marketing analysis department of Pseudo Animations, was very helpful when we probed her for information. We started slow, first asking the easy questions and then started to pound her with the more intimate ones. The following is the transcription from part of our interview.

Z: So, what drew you into anime?

Informant: Well, what drew me in was all the hentai themes in anime.

Z: … Pardon?

Informant: Yeah, you know, hot girls, guys in awkward situations, things being not anatomically correct.

Z: So what about story? What about art?

Informant: Those are all well and good, but that’s not what sells. I saw a market in anime that I could exploit. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention I also got into anime because of the money.

Z: So there was really no passion behind working in the field for you?

Informant:  There was a passion, just not the kind you’re talking about. Unlike some other studios our business model here at Pseudo Animations is to make anime that will sell. Our target audience is boys, especially the ones that would be considered Otakus because they’ll buy anything with a sexual undertone.

Z: Don’t you feel you might be poisoning the minds of our youth with your material?

Informant: Listen, Disney has been doing the same thing years before us. They set up the whole market of selling animations that have adult themes embedded into the story, jokes and the occasional image in the background. Just like with Tezuka, we are just taking something from Disney and monopolizing on it.

Z: What about other studios such as Production I.G. with animes like “Usagi Drop” and “Blood C?“

Informant: We are changing the industry Z. Animes like “Eikenbu Yori Ai Komete” and “I Don’t Love My Brother at All!” are what we are trying to produce. It sells, even though there are those that say that they rather have a more “in-depth plot” or “character development.” Even when they gripe, the fact is they watch the show too and they are just adding to the millions who enjoy our product.

Z: So, you feel you are changing the industry, correct?

Informant: Yes. If you look over the years, we have been able to take anime for the occasional panty shot to full nudity with cute censor stickers. The line between anime and hentai is beginning to be blurred, and the lines will continue to blur until they both merge into one side. There are studios out there that are producing content with good story. Others have really good art. A Pseudo Animation, we pride ourselves in making sex jokes and beautiful girls.  That’s what sells and no one seems to contradict it with their views or their wallets. The bottom line is if people keep watching it we will keep producing it.

