Fiction Friday: Teen Figures out There is More to Anime Than Harems

Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction for the use of parody only. Any data or events cited are most likely pure fabrication. Please read for enjoyment and the satirical viewpoint, not for facts.

17 year old David Newgen woke up on a typical morning to find that everything he knew and loved was a lie. After years of watching horrible anime he had finally come to terms with his problem.

“It was like someone had taken everything I knew about anime and turned it all into new episodes of Pokémon… and before today, I would have said that was awesome!”

What led David to this epiphany? A few days ago, while choosing some new anime shows to watch one of his friends told him to broaden his horizons. Up to that day he had only watched harem animes and shows like the newer Pokémon episodes. When someone introduced a show like Monster he saw a new genre that put his other shows to shame.

“I mean… Really there was a BIG difference. Story, characters, plot development. I thought I knew everything there was about anime, but I was wrong.”

There have been many cases similar to David‘s situation. People are afraid of opening their horizons when it comes to anime. Whether it is the transition from Romance to Action or from Old to New anime, people can and will only learn what kind of anime they like from viewing all types of anime. Once someone has sampled enough anime, then they can really see for themselves if they really like an anime or not.

“It’s not like I’ve given up on shows on the shows I used to love, it’s just now I know that there are shows out there that also appeal to me and help me gauge which shows I really would enjoy. I can watch a show like Trigun and still love a show like Love Hina.”

