Episode 22 – The Big Studio Ghibli Episode
Studio Ghibli, what is there to be said about this iconic studio that everyone knows? What is there not to say on how great it is? Our favorite films, and where we see the studio in the future.
Studio Ghibli, what is there to be said about this iconic studio that everyone knows? What is there not to say on how great it is? Our favorite films, and where we see the studio in the future.
Reviews: Kuchu Buranko, Infinite Ryvius, and The Sacred Blacksmith
August 11, 2013 @ 2:51 pm
Bah! Anything 3d is a sham. That’s the most pointless fad non-sense that’s been created. 3d tvs were very widely advised around 2010 or so but by 2013 [now], app intergrated TVs are the new deal. I’m glad that garbage is fading away. It’s too bad is still exists though…